Ciao sono Sonia e mi occupo di marketing, fotografia e giornalismo freelance.
Dopo svariati anni in giro per l’Italia ed un periodo a San Francisco, mi trasferisco nella mia adorata Londra.
Sonia Nel Paese delle Stoviglie è il mio blog Lifestyle: troverete storie legate al cibo, viaggi intorno al mondo e tutto quello che mi piace, raccontato attraverso la lente della mia macchina fotografica (o iPhone :-)).
Quotidianamente mi occupo di marketing digitale per global brands, scrivo per riviste online e offline e fotografo per me stessa o per i brand con cui lavoro.
Qui trovi una breve Press release.
Per collaborazioni crew@nelpaesedellestoviglie.com
Hey, I’m Sonia: editor, photographer and freelance journalist.
Born and raised in sunny Italy, I am moved to London, California and then back again in my beloved London.
I write extensively in Italian and English about travel and food in print and online publications.
Since 2009 I run “Sonia nel Paese delle Stoviglie” which covers different subjects as lifestyle, food and travel with frequent photo posts and reportages.
Sonia nel Paese delle Stoviglie has been recognised and awarded by several publications, please see my press page for details.
For press release CLICK HERE.
For collaboration inquiries write to crew@nelpaesedellestoviglie.com
Some of the international brands I was honoured to work with as a photographer and blogger
Hotels and Restaurants
Hakkasan Group / Taj Hotels / Shangri-La / Sofitel / Harrods / Amba Hotels / Millenium Hotels / COMO Metropolitan London
Travel and Tourism
Visit California / Taste of London / Eurochocolate / Various Italian Tourism Boards
Nivea / Nomination Italy Jewels / Fenwick / Rimini Wellness / Henkel / Pyrex / Le Creuset /
Food and Drink Brands
Lavazza / Courvoisier / Barilla Group / Voiello / Martini / Gruppo Zonin / Loison Dolci / Matilde Vicenzi / Tonno Consorcio / Angelo Parodi / Parmigiano Reggiano / Pasta Garofalo / Beppino Occelli / Inalpi /Misura
Here are some of my collaborations
2021 to date: food journalist for London printed magazine La Notizia. I host a regular column about the new restaurants to eat in London.
September 2023 – creation of contents for Jongga’s launch in the UK. Jongga is n° 1 Kimchi brand in Korea.
November 2019 – Christmas shooting with Loison team in London. Video here
September 2019 – Press Trip to Calabria, South Italy in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce
January 2018 – Press Trip to Puglia, South Italy in collaboration with the Tourism Board
December 2017 – Food columnist on Ci Piace Cucinare, Italian weekly food magazine.
November 2015 – Social Trip in California with Visit California and Air Canada.
November 2015 to February 2016 – Healthy food columnist on Julienne, Italian monthly food magazine.
May 2015 – Official blogger for Rimini Wellness, the largest Italian fitness and wellness show.
May 2014 – Official blogger at Rimini Wellness, the largest Italian fitness and wellness show.
June 2014 – I have been invited to Royal Ascot event with Fenwick. (here)
Since 2012 – Food blogger for Angelo Parodi, Icat Food Group
August 2013 – Arounder for Jaguar Italia, I’ve travelled around Italy with the Jaguar XF Sportbrake documenting the journey on my social channels.
July 2013 – One of the three bloggers chosen by Lavazza for the Wimbledon Championships event.
January to June 2013 – Lifestyle blogger for Ferrero Rocher.
October 2012 – Food blogger for Gente del Fud, a Garofalo’s project, during Salone del Gusto in Turin.
October 2012 – Ambassador for the Pirex national contest “Il premio è servito!”.
May 2012 – “Green-blogger” for Nelsen, Henkel Group.
December 2011 – Food blogger for Caffarel.
October 2011 – Guest blogger at Eurochocolate in Perugia, covering the event on socials and presenting the chocolate show-cooking.
2011 to 2013 – I worked with the online wine-shop Winexplorer and I’ve matched a recipe with wine every month.
2011 to 2013 – Food blogger for Prometeo Urbino
2011 – Food blogger for the Voiello website, Barilla’s brand.
2011 – “Care giver blogger” for Nivea Italia.
April 2011 – Speaker at Cibus in Parma and Tutto Food in Milan.
2010 – Travel blogger for Olivia e Marino, Barilla’s brand.
Work with me
- Press & Social Media Trips
- Brand ambassador/Product Sponsorship
- Sponsored Articles
- Freelance Journalism, Freelance photography
Ciao, Sonia